Category Archives: yambo

Speed up dielectric constant calculations using the double-grid method with Yambo

Convergence of dielectric constant with respect the number of k-points can be very slow in many systems. For this reason in Yambo it is implemented a double-grid technique that speeds up convergence versus k-points with a computational cost comparable to the standard calculations. The method is described in the paper: Speeding up the solution of… Read More

RPA calculations with Yambo for large systems

Performing RPA calculations with yambo in large systems can be a problem due to the memory requirement. In fact the code does not distribute the dielectric constant at the different frequencies among the processors. The solution is to run different calculations for each frequency of the dielectric constant and then joind the outputs. Here my… Read More

Yambo input file for GW calculations explained

Example of a yambo input file for GW calculation in a solid. In order to generate the following input file you can use the command “yambo -g n -p p -V par” with yambo 4.0.2 (and with yambo 3.4.2  “yambo -g n -p p”).   gw0 # [R GW] GoWo Quasiparticle energy levels ppa #… Read More

Reasonable parameters for Yambo calculations

Here I report some advices to choose reasonable parameters in order to converge different kind of calculations with the Yambo code. The following parameters are a reasonable recommendation. However you have to remember that convergence can be different from system to system, so you should check your calculations and not use the following parameters blindly…. Read More

Quantum Espresso and Yambo input files

This is my small collection of Quantum Espresso (PWSCF) and Yambo input files that I used in my papers or for different testing purposes. I cannot give any warranty whatsoever these files are correct and fit your actual needs. Carbon nanotubes: 7×7, 4×2, 10×10, 1×10 Carbon nanoribbons: ANGR7 Diamond Donor Acceptor Complexes from ref. Appl. Phys. Lett…. Read More

Developing Yambo tutorial is available online

My new tutorial on “Developing Yambo” is available online. This was possible thanks to the work of Myrta Gruning and Davide Sangalli that updated the tutorial to the last version of the code and completed some unfinished parts.  In this tutorial we explain how to introduce new functionalities in the Yambo code. As example, inspired… Read More

Self-consistent GW on eigenvalues only with the Yambo code

Not working anymore in Yambo 4.5 but works in Yambo 5.x For molecules and also for molecular solids, the G0W0 approach often gives poor results. The main reason of this failure is  the DFT  starting point. In fact local or semi-local exchange correlation functionals give a too small gap compared with the experimental one, and… Read More