27th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitation  

“Shining light on matter through interdisciplinary theoretical approaches” 3-7 June 2024, Marseille (France) Event website The 27th edition of the ETSF Workshop was attended by 100 scientists (from 16 countries), including many young researchers. The workshop program consisted…

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Cours de Natation – Campagne Inscriptions 2023/2024

Pendant cette année scolaire j’aurai le plaisir de m’engager en tant que parent bénévole au sein d’une association qui organise un cours de natation destiné aux enfants. Ces cours auront lieu à la piscine Bonneveine, dans le 8ème…

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My ANR Young Researcher “NOTISPERF” project has been funded

I have obtained a 4-year funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche for the project NOTISPERF (Nothing is perfect: defects in hexagonal Boron Nitride) submitted to the 2020 generic call for projects in the Young Researcher category….

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How to use Yambo for calculating temperature dependent electronic energy levels in the Heine Allen Cardona approach

I first generate the yambo input file yambo_ph -g n -s p -V qp Then I set the temperature with the flag BoseTemp. I will name this input file accordingly –>yambo_${T}.in It is possible to get the HAC…

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How to create Quantum Espresso databases for an electron-phonon calculation with Yambo (1st part)

Here I show step-by-step how to use Quantum Espresso to calculate phonons and electron-phonon matrix-elements on a regular q-grid, with the final aim to allow Yambo to read these databases and calculate the temperature dependent correction to the…

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The 24th ETSF workshop (update)

The workshop is over, a nice souvenir of those intense days.

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The 24th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations

We are delighted to announce that the 24th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations: Light-Matter Interaction and Optical Spectroscopy from Infrared to X-Rays to be held in Jena, Germany, from 16-20 September 2019 is now open for registration! Deadline…

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19th Total Energy in Trieste

First time for me at this conference. The diversity of subjects, 3 researchers awarded of ICTP prizes and nice people make these 3 days memorable. On top of that I presented my poster and at lunch time I…

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OPTEL2D: Opto-electronic properties of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with DFT and post-DFT simulations

Our Prace research project OPTEL2D “Opto-electronic properties of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with DFT and post-DFT simulations” has been accepted, and we got 49.5 million core hours on Marconi – KNL.     Here the project description: “Two-dimensional…

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March Meeting 2018, Mediterranean Institute of Physics

Last week I had the pleasure to participate to the March Meeting of Mediterranean Institute of Physics. This is an institute who gathers several brilliant theoretical and experimental physicists, even pupils of Noble Prize laureates. I was invited…

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