Tag Archives: many body

Virtual school on electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code

The Yambo Team is pleased to announce the: Virtual school on “Electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code” The MaX/CECAM virtual school will last four days and will be held on April 8, 9 (week 1) and April 15, 16 (week 2) 2021 using the online platform Zoom.  The school aims to introduce… Read More

Yambo school 2020: new video lectures and tutorials are online

The “Computational School on Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials Using the Yambo Code” school at the ICTP has just ended. In this school we presented an introduction to many-body theory, a new version of the code that include all the non-linear response part. The new tutorials that are available in the wiki webpage. Moreover all… Read More